Winter Ramblings

On my walk today I happened to make the trek past Prescott Park, a beautifully scenic area on the waterfront in Portsmouth, NH. There are four very distinct areas of the park – the old port, which is a deep stone walled slip with a tree lined green and fountain that host the summer music and arts, the fenced garden that is one of the most romantic garden spots in the summer months. If i were not married, I would hope that someone would propose there in that garden. It has a beautiful Japanese Maple that adds to the elegance. It is so special and small and beautifully picturesque. Then there is the dock where the Gundalow is moored, and finally an open colonial garden that speaks to my inner child. Its very structure reminds me of Carters Grove and Colonial Williamsburg. It is planted each yarn with the most beautiful variety of flowers by the lovely folks at the Strawbery Banke Museum. Here… Take a look…

Yeah… today it doesn’t look like the beauty it becomes in the height of summer. Right now it is tucked in, and preparing for warmer days. I feel like that is what we knitters and makers do in the winter. We collect our stash, tuck in with warm drink and look forward to spring thaw. Winter is my favorite for that very reason.

I love winter best because it is full of potential. We can work toward the things we want later in the year. We can plan and prepare. We have an excuse to stay home and knit or sew. And we can dream of spring blooms, farmers markets and baby chicks. And why not? Dreaming is some of the best part of the making process. Dreaming and the using of the final garment or accessory. Sometimes the making is just so tedious. This really is why we have so many WIPS… right?

So with the dream of spring in mind, here is a picture of the Prescott Park gardens in bloom.

I happen to take pictures of my Bouquet Bag at Prescott park this past June. The gardens were not in full bloom in June like they were in the photos above… those were taken in September. The seasons here in New England confuse my native southern mind. By September everything in the south is burnt to a crisp from the heat and turning brown. That’s why we are so ready for Pumpkin spice and orange Autumn tones. But I have let the seasons run away with me. Back to planning for spring: Now seems like the perfect time to cast on a bouquet bag or two. It would be a great Easter basket that could easily become a family heirloom. It is sturdy enough to fill with Easter grass and treats, but washable and unbreakable enough to be safe at the local Easter egg hunt.

So as I sit here at home, waiting for more snow to fall. If my current knitting causes me any more fits, I’ll just cast on a Bouquet Bag and dream of those beautiful spring days to come.

Summer Part One

How are we already half way through the warm months??

While you won’t hear me complain about colder months, I do have to say I love the slower pace of hot summer months. It seems to be acceptable to step back and examine your daily practices and make necessary changes to be happier, healthier and fulfilled. In that slower pace it seems to leave room for creativity to bloom. Have you taken a vacation, staycation or even just a home town tour this summer as a little break?

Enjoying the slower pace is just what I did over the last three weeks, AFTER the industry trade show H+H in Chicago at the end of June.

The Japanese yarn brand NORO. A lush display of colorful and vibrant projects for Fall 2023.

H+H is a German run craft industry trade show, and as an account representative for Knitting Fever Inc. I had the pleasure of working the company booth at the show this year in Chicago. It was the busiest 4 days I have experience since the pandemic. It was an absolute pleasure to get to spend time reconnecting with colleagues, customers and friends as well as meeting new folks from my current region in New England. I came home exhausted and full of ideas. I think all the energy alone is what planted a seed for my recent creativity.

Do you see that Janine is tucked back in the corner as we set up the beautiful garment displays. Hi Janine!

Speaking of creativity, I am so excited to share the fruits of my creative streak with you later this month. If you are interested in learning more subscribed below for the latest details delivered directly to your inbox including exclusive content, patterns and upcoming event details.

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As far as new designs go, those are starting to show up on Ravelry as well as on Instagram.

Here is a snap of us visiting York Beach and my latest published design – Lobstah Sweater – It’s such a special piece for me, It deserves a lobster centric post!!