Summer Travels and Unfinished Projects

HI- ya!

Summer has flown by. I spent a good amount of time enjoying my children and parents. They are all changing so quickly. It is such a blessing to be able to carve out a big chunk of time to be with them all together.

I was looking back today, on a July post on Instagram. It was a deep dive in my project bag. I still have so many summer sweaters on the needles. All those tempting summer cottons and lines and their deceptively loose gauges made me think that I could finish them over the summer and have some really cute new tops to wear… Well in typical fashion I overestimated! I have 5 summer tops on the needles right now.

Jakers – I’m going to finish this with short sleeves I think… but i may have enough yarn for long sleeves and I may really enjoy having this done in pink in the early spring. I probably wont wear it until I get a hankering for spring so maybe I should put this one in hibernation.

Convertible – Without the turtleneck and in a really amazing cotton. I kept thinking that a cotton oversized version would be great on the beach. If I make it to a beach from Central New Mexico… I will let you know.

Outline Tee – In my defense I don’t have to have this done until next years’ Arkansas Yarn Crawl. I had the best time visiting shops and making new friends during the 2022 crawl in July. If you find yourself enjoying the natural state during July of 2023, or any time for that matter please check out this super friendly group of shops.

Summer Light – I am working on a second in a sport weight linen and cotton blend and I didn’t knit a gauge swatch. As you can imagine… it needs to be ripped out and started again because gauge is important.

Dorel – Now this top I really want to finish. It’s a great blue that I think I will be able to work into my Fall transition wardrobe… does anyone else do that? Do you come up with a group of colors of clothing you want to wear? I seem to be drawn to a particular palette of colors, this season it seems to be Golds, Rusts and a range of Indigo tones. Accent that with a little dusty pink and you have the perfect Fall tones. More on that next time.

What have you been working on this summer?