Summer of Crochet: Buttons

Would you like to add some crochet to your crafty repertoire? Why not start small? Crochet stitches are pretty easy to learn, so if you are already a knitter or a novice crocheter this is a perfect place to start.

This button fixation all started when I was visiting Gauge in Austin Texas a few months ago, and was quite taken by a lovely sample sweater that had adorable matching buttons. Imagine my surprise when Melissa told me she had made them… with the yarn left over from the sweater.

WOW! If I can finish a project and have the perfectly matching buttons that are not only kid friendly but washable and essentially FREE… I am completely sold. I do love a good decorative button. I have a stash of them actually and I never ever seem to have the buttons that I need. Making buttons is the ideal answer for me.

I found this quick little YouTube video that gave me all the tips and instruction I needed to make a very basic button. Grab some scrap yarn and any crochet hook you have on hand to give it a try. I do suggest making a big button first, so it is easier to see the steps.

The only stitch you need to be familiar with at this point is a single crochet. It is the only stitch used in this button.

I used three different yarns shown below to make the same button.

You can change the thickness of the finished button based on the number of loops you use to form the base form as well as the number of layers of single crochet stitches you use to cover the base loops. The third way you can change the style of the button is adding a single crochet round to the outside edge of the button. This adds a little ruffle or petal element to the button. ( shown above on the dark and medium blue buttons to the right)

I suppose you could even add some chain stitches and make this into a little flower detail?!

Best of all, when you use the same yarn that constructs the button to stitch it down to your project, there are no visible stitches. All very elegant and well planned!! Give it a try, I would love to hear what you think.

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