Pumpkin Socks : A Revisit of a New Old Favorite

Way, way, way back in The Crooked Stitch Quilts and Knits days of my life I hosted a 6 part Sock Club. We had custom designed socks every other month and a kit that club members received. Kits included custom dyed yarns, pattern and a little gift. One month I even made project bags that were modeled after a little tote bag I had made for Jane Elizabeth to take to the strawberry patch. I think we did the whole think for $25 an installment which seems like a steal now…. It had to be at least 10 year ago… Time really does fly.

Anyway, I designed this cute little pumpkin sock way back when for those lovely customers of mine, but when the club was over I never published the pattern. Well after multiple computer crashes, documents lost and years flying by, I finally found myself in the right season at the right time to write the pattern up and knit a new sample with a currently available yarn!!! Thank Heaven!!!

The pumpkin socks design reminds me of the Ferrum College Folk Life Festival that I loved to visit when I lived in Franklin County, Virginia . The festival itself originally connected me to local knitters. It is where I learn what a DPN was thanks to Dorothea Pierce ( The current proprietor of The Crooked Stitch … Now known as Yarn Seasons) It is where I attempted to walk out my first baby who would hold out on her October 28th Due Date for one uniquely her own. I recall the drive through the freshly cut fields on the way to the college grounds. The stacks of pumpkins that were tucked around once we arrived and the rungs of the split rail fences that hold together my memories of that mountain hamlet. I recall the way the westward retiring sun would leave the surrounding valley glowing gold between the leaves of the trees. And how the sky on that one particular October day in 2008 was the clearest, brightest blue. The air had a cool nip as Dad and I leaned against the fence watching the mule turn the grind stone on the sugar cane to make sorghum and Molasses… all things Dad was entranced with, no doubt recounting if not reliving the days of his childhood on the the family South Georgia farm.

I bet you didn’t think that a little pair of seasonal socks could hold so many memories. For me, it certainly does.

I am so pleased to have partnered with Lindsay at The Fiber Seed for this new version of a long private favorite… The pattern is available on Ravelry for instant download! Even though Halloween is 10 days away, there is still plenty of time to knit up a pair and wear them for Thanksgiving all while making new memories of your own for them to hold.

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