July is For Finishing

July is a hard month in the Fiber World – Yarn shops struggle with sales because regular customers typically go on vacation, meaning traffic is lighter and the temperature is high making knitting a lower priority for some knitters. It has made for slow business when I was in the retail end of the Fiber Industry and it makes for slower travel and appointments now that I am in a consulting role.   This year, 2020 is alarmingly different.  With the pandemic sales are slower on fashion products and higher on staple products, online sales have skyrocketed and some smaller businesses are still closed because of the risk of people being too close together.  It is an all together tough time!

I myself find bogged down by not only the heat of July but the projects that I have started over the course of the “ colder” months.  Some projects I am desperate to have in my wardrobe, others I wonder why I started them in the first place.  For the last 10 years I have take a personal challenge that “July is for Finishing”. Along the way some friends have joined in.  We each take stock of the unfinished projects of “works in progress” that are taking up room in our bags, boxes, corners and stashes.  From this source, a month long plan comes forth: Identify what you really want to finish, or what has obligation to finished.  Eliminate any project that you no longer want to invest any time in by ripping out the work and reclaiming the yarn and needles. Last but not least, commit to knitting!

Over the course of a month a lot of unfinished projects can turn the corner and become finished projects.  Some of those will be welcomed into seasonal rotation come Fall, some will make the jump to being particularly spectacular holiday gifts.  By the time the pumpkins start showing up in the decor section of your local craft depot you can have sense of refreshment in regards to your stash of projects! This year I have 6 projects I really want to get knocked out.




First up is a Lilac linen blend Jewel Top – that is set for publication in the next week.  This sample will head up to Cowgirl Yarn in Laramie,Wyoming for display with the full range of cool summer colors of Mirasol Ch’ichi

The next two- the Shetland Wool Week Hats  for 2020 and 2018.  I love colorwork and going back to traditonal designs is always fun.

The 4th project is a Jade color sweater in Mirasol Ushya – Way back in February my friends at Knit on Pearl in Jackson, Wyoming told me about a 4 hour- 4 skein knit from Good Night Day.  I spent at least 4 hours trying to decide what needle to use. Ha!!  So here is hoping that the knitting goes even faster.  Ushya is a very popular and squishy merino yarn, I am hoping this will be a great car coat this Winter.

How about another hat – This Harlow Hat by Andrea Mowery has been on the needles for just shy of a year.  It was my designated flying/ Knitting project.  But I haven’t been on a plane for months, and don’t plan of flying any time soon.  Guess this one needs to be bumped up in the que.

Last by not least is a Petite Jardin sweater for Sam at Old Soul Fiber Co.  I am just waiting for a brighter flower color and then this one will be under way.

I may add a few more projects along the way –  I have a few more in the stash, but this group seems achievable and respectable for a month of knititng.

Join in, won’t you?  I share my. Finished projects on Instagram using the tag #julyisforfinishing.