Crazy Days Cowl

We sure are living in crazy days, and when this all started I was still home with my husband.  I was stash diving and came across some yarn that I knew a friend of mine would be excited about.  She had just stocked a massive supply of Crazy, a made from mill ends waste reducing phenomenon from Stonehenge Fiber Mill in Northern Michigan. The yarn is CRAZY – meaning that no two skeins are alike in makeup. They may host similar colors, but the length of the color run, or even the shade that it is plied with will not be identical. This means they play well together but are not twins.


My friend Lori needed a great sample and most small business owners in the yarn world can always use another knitter making projects.  I love how soft Crazy is and how irregular it is to work with, but my mind needed order.  I created a simple pattern that takes advantage of the spontaneous nature of Crazy and brings a touch of order to the task making the finished project more cohesive.

Here is Crazy Days – you can pick up your own copy over on Ravelry, and I encourage you to pop on over to Arkansas Yarn Co. and show them a little love with an online purchase during these crazy days.


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