Well That Escalated Quickly

Covid-19.  Yikes!!! If you look back at my last post, way back on March 3rd the world was still relatively normal. I was traveling, seeing customers and mulling over ideas for how to build the business I have been journaling about for the last year.

Now fast forward to today, March 28th.  I have been home with my children for 15 days, school has been canceled for the foreseeable future and I am making the very best of it!

We are clear, not viral and we are all aiming to stay that way. I visited with several customers in the Seattle area right before retuning home and I am glad to say they are all healthy and being with them, in their shops helped me better understand how to cope.  I am over joyed to be at home.  Working and creating, pouring time and energy into my children and making sure they are happy and healthy.

100% they are loud, and full of energy.  But we have directed it into several exciting project.

First, they have been writing daily letters to family.  We have covered cousins, Aunts and Uncles, ALL the Grandparents… My girls are blessed to have 4 sets they can write to.AE6AE135-2253-48DF-8A4C-2D54A9424F12

Second, we have been creative.  We have sewn, sculpted, doodled, and glued gems. We have wallpapered Mouse House Apartments and baked polymer dough.

Third, we have tended to our home.  We have planted container gardens and watered them regularly. We have cleaned and baked cookies. We have made lunches and learned how to keep the tea kettle perpetually warm. We have shared in the duties and made it all fun.

Fourth, we have focused on culture and our nation.  We have watched documentaries on our favorite places, like Yellowstone. We have learned about America’s Secrets and worked on Spanish Vocabulary.

And Lastly,  but certainly not least we have read.  We have focused on our favorite books, reading aloud and also silently during quite time.  We have kept current events reading to a minimum and learned about what open spaces and walks we can enjoy.117F1F60-B68B-44E7-9A64-C7DECC9F65A6

I am dead determined to make the very best of this time and for the memories to be nothing but quality time. All this and some great knitting!!

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