Sweater Roundup: Sea Pullover


The Sweater:  The Sea Pullover from the indispensable knitting book Swoon Maine circa 2015.

The Yarn: Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in Newsprint.  This worsted weight, woolen spun, two ply yarn is one of my all time favorites to work with. It is hard wearing and looks great for a very long time.  I did knit this sweater way back in 2016…

The Designer: Carrie Bostick Hoge one of my favorite designers.  Her classic styling is easily translated to personal wardrobes and on top of that, her designs are often easily achieved.  I appreciate Carries’ attention to detail, and in the whirl of talent, skill  and classic styling the Sea Sweater is one of my all time, most worn and most loved sweaters.

The Details: The Sea Pullover is a simple construction raglan sweater.  I made a few modifications at the hem and the neck.

The high low hem is achieved with short rows, which I worked in reverse order, moving the wrap and turn stitches up agains the band of purl stitches worked as a transition from the ribbing.  This resulted in what I found to be a tidier result.  The wrap an turn stitches disappear in the difference of texture.

My second modification was to omit the turtleneck.  At the time it made sense, as I was not living where it was very cold.  I also pair my sweaters with my collection of flannel and button down shirts.  So having space for my colorful collars is important to my personal style. This is my go-to work wear. I know I have mentioned it a few posts back… and if we have ever had occasion to have a work appointment together I am sure you will confirm this as true.

I am pleased to say the Sea Pullover with a turtleneck is in the plan for 2020.  I bought some beautiful Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in a red two ply marl and if  I can get my knitting act together, maybe I can be wearing it by Valentine’s Day!!

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