A New Year of Resolutions


Happy New Year!!! I spent the first day of the new decade traveling across the country – and pondering what I want my 2020 to hold and then another day trying to put my thought into words..  My prevailing thoughts are basic and core. Focus on family time and connection with those loved ones. Continue on a healthy path with commitments to exercise and adventure. Keep up with this posting, working on sharing more of my work and growing my creativity. Making this website a priority helps me feel connected to my friends and past customers all over the country. I also feel it keeps me focused on our maker community and how it is growing and changing.  It is those themes that I hope to weave into 2020.

Now a goal that can not be measured is much more difficult to achieve, so here is the breakdown of what I want to actually do this year.

    1. Find new trails to hike and new spots to connect me to my natural environment.  Not just at home in New Mexico, but while traveling for work too.
    2. More texture: 2020 the year of knitting texture into my work. I am really passionate about color work knitting and I have have found that I miss the challenge of moving stitches around and the forgiveness than comes with stitch patterns versus flat stockinette fabric.
    3. Make the first sale for Adventure Bound Designs
    4. Publish all existing sketches and designs. Get finished work out into the universe and capitalize on any inspiration that strikes.
    5. Visit more friends, make more friends, geez… just don’t be so solitary. I have discovered that without a knitting group and without a retail shop my friend pool is basicly only my husband and my customers from work.  I don’t get to see people I know just for fun.
    6. Paint, I think this will help with resolution 1 and 5. I started to pick up the brushes again this summer painting and gathering supplies for painting while traveling.  Now I just need to find the best way to make it a habit.
    7. Finish my WIPS…. there are so many. They will all be cataloged and shared in an upcoming post. Because there are SO. MANY.

This is how I plan to work through 2020, with intention and with a solid plan.  Each of theses goals will be detailed out in my journal and have framework to make sure I am making progress along the way. Milestones for success for an adventurous and prosperous 2020.

One thought on “A New Year of Resolutions

  1. The WIPs pile is just crazy over here, too. I really need to finish a quilt for me, every one has been gifted except for a single throw.

    And living in a warm environment now… what do I do with all this wool? I need a plan for the stash, other than aggressively knitting and gifting.


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